Monday, December 15, 2008

Six Days and Counting. . . .

Considering that one of my major faults is deadline-itis (i.e., getting things done at the last possible minute or after), I am absolutely stunned that as of today, Bob and I have not only packed and shipped a DHL "jumbo box" (which is not so jumbo) with books, papers, and other items for Anand, but I have also almost finished packing my suitcase! Could this be because I'm procrastinating on doing my evaluations? Whatever the reason, it does feel good to have the packing part close to done, and to have this week to concentrate on finishing up a ton of work for Hampshire, not to mention all those other errands and cleaning out the house for our tenants. So, it will still be a sprint to the finish line, but having the clothes thing under control -- usually a major obsession for me when I go on a trip -- feels like a big achievement.

In between packing, we had a lovely weekend, since Sarah came out to visit -- which was terrific -- and we did a bit of brunch-hopping on Sunday: first to Harris and Cathy's house (o.k., maybe their brunch was technically a pre-hip surgery send-off for Cathy, but we felt like we were getting the send-off vibes as well), and then to Janet and Bob's, which was "officially" a farewell brunch for us. It's amazing how much mileage you can get out of a five-month trip to India -- and we haven't even left yet!

But even with all the packing and brunching and learning to use Skype and less than a week left before we fly to Delhi, it still doesn't feel entirely real. Maybe it will sink in tomorrow?

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